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A new Ph.D. student – Marat Margulis

Writer: Erez GiladErez Gilad

A new Ph.D. student is joining our group these days – Marat Margulis. Marat is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering Department at BGU and has been an M.Sc. student in the Unit of Energy Engineering in Ben-Gurion University since 2012, majoring in Nuclear Energy under the supervision of Prof. Eugene Schwageraus from the Unit of Nuclear Engineering in Ben-Gurion University. Marat’s study focused on two subjects; the use of Thorium in BWRs fuel assemblies to improve its conversion ratio and the development of Thermal-Hydraulic feedback channel code for steady-state coupled core calculations.

Marat is a very talented, hard working, highly motivated young researcher, with a solid background in Mechanical engineering, Energy engineering and specifically Nuclear Power Plants. In the framework of his M.Sc. study, Marat has gained expertise in the design and calculation methods of innovative conceptual core designs, and has familiarized himself with the reactor analysis codes BGCore, MCNP, Serpent and DYN3D.

Marat’s work was highlighted in the last Israeli Nuclear Society Conference (INS 2014, Dead Sea, Israel) where he was awarded the Amnon Einav Best Paper Award for a young scientist. The award is given in memory of Amnon Einav, Chief Scientist of the Israel Ministry of Energy, Water and Infrastructure.

Marat will be engaged in the physical design of the new ZEPHYR core in collaboration with CEA Cadarache Research Centre in France and will contribute to the development of research reactor transient calculation capability using Serpent/DYN3D/THERMO.



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